Grain Science
We champion fresh whole grain flour for two reasons: the flour contains essential nutrients, and fresh flour delivers flavor – you can truly taste the freshness. At first, transitioning to freshly milled flour made from lesser-known varieties of wheat (or rye or other grains) can be challenging. Refined white flour is inert, uniform, predictable, and shelf-stable, whereas fresh flour is alive with active enzymes, inconsistent by nature, and perishable. Fresh flour requires hands-on craftmanship and the baker’s willingness to experiment. Trial and error will lead to discoveries of the unique characteristics that result from the differences in the type and variety of grain, the weather and soil it was grown in, and the type of mill and process (to sift or not to sift) used. We promise that the extra attention is worth it! To start experimenting with wheat varieties, try exchanging a portion of white flour for a portion of whole-grain flour in formulas you regularly use. As you become familiar with fresh flour’s unique textures and tastes, try increasing the amounts you substitute. Eventually, you will notice that your palette has shifted, allowing you to fully savor one of nature’s most nourishing and delicious foods.