Armando “Mandu” Medinaceli, Indigenous Education Director, North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems (NāTIFS)
Armando Medinaceli, Ph.D., is a Bolivian ethnobiologist with extensive experience collaborating with Indigenous people in Bolivia, Mexico, and Guatemala and teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels in the United States and Bolivia. His experience spans over fifteen years of working in ethnobiology, Indigenous foodways and food sovereignty, biocultural diversity, sustainability, climate change, community conservation, and collaborative video. His approach to research and education highlights the emic (local) perspectives and supports the self-determination of Indigenous communities. Armando serves as co-coordinator for the Latin American Society of Ethnobiology’s ethics committee, and as a member of the Society of Ethnobiology’s ethics and advocacy committee.
As the Indigenous Education Director at NATIFS, he works on the design, coordination, and implementation of the organization’s education and research programs.